Monday, June 14, 2010

An Introduction to Akposso

After having been here for a decent bit of time I’ve sort of become habituated to speaking in a different language, but that isn’t to say that the difference in language is a small matter in my life. Indeed, to live in an African village is to face huge language barriers every day. Sometimes, the hard part isn’t even to know HOW speak the language, it’s know which language to speak in the first place!

Togo may be a typical small West African nation in most ways…and, truthfully, it doesn’t have much to really brag about in the region. Yet, up till this point I’ve yet to hear of many countries that come close in the realm of ethnic diversity.

In a space the size of West Virginia there exist just under 50 unique ethnic groups…every one with their own language. In my village, alone, there are three major ethnic groups: Akposso, Ewe, and Kabiye. Sometimes they know each other’s language, sometime they have to rely on French to communicate.

Village life is one built on the saluer (to greet, in English). In every language in Togo there is, without fail a fairly elaborate way to address/greet/say hi to someone. They usually all depend on the time of day or whether or not you’ve seen that person recently; and they are all generally of a call and response nature.

I’d explain it more but I’ll just dive in with some examples from the language of my neighborhood: Akposso.

The morning saluation, as in if this is your first time seeing each other that day, BUT you saw each other yesterday:



That’s an easy one since its just call and response, to ask how someone is doing, and say that you are doing good is also pretty easy:

(Ey, pronounced like the letter A, is yes in many of the southern Togolese languages)

In most local languages there is also an all-important word for Welcome, in Akposso it’s:


To ask someone how their family is you would ask:

Which is answered with:

If you haven’t seen someone in a while it would be customary to say hello first, then say welcome and finally ask them how the family is:


That last Yo! is the shortened response to just about everything, its basically just to show recognition of the greeting.

That’s all for now, don’t want to confuse everyone too much!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hockey...C'est sur glace...Michael Jordan?

Hockey is an awfully difficult sport to explain to an African...I usually am forced to do a little motion with my hands like Im stickhandling, while sweeping the ground with my feet like Im skating.  The result is something a lot like a stage performer dancing with a cane, and nothing at all like the actual thing.  At the root of the problem, I suppose, is that outside of the rare ice cube, there is never any substantial amount of frozen water in Togo...and certainly no one can truly comprehend what it is to be on ice.    

Still, though, my excitement over the last couple weeks has been mounting along with the Blackhawk's slow ascension to the championship, and with it calls from home telling me the news of the latest game (thanks mom).  Being a good Peace Corps volunteer, and wishing to communicate my culture with those around me,  Ive really focused on spreading this good news to my small African community.  Sometimes I get blank stares, most of the time, though, I get remarks about Michael Jordan and the Bulls.  Thats alright, I guess, at least they got the city right!

Now all we need to cap off the week is a US win over England on Saturday (I'm a believer, people)!

I'm in Lome so Ill get another post up tomorrow before I leave, I just wanted to write a little something this evening while I had some time and the Hawks on my mind!

Take care!

ps-While Im on the sports topic, What is this I hear of Nebraska joining the Big Ten and half of the Big 12 joining the Pac 10?  I leave for 9 months and now were talking about Texas playing conference games in Corvallis?!  Pull it together USA.

pss-The Beavers would beat Texas in that game by the way...just saying.