Friday, December 4, 2009

The Internet is Overrated Anyway...

Ok that is a boldface lie...I'm sitting here in the volunteer lounge using internet that actually works and I'm in awe that I once had access to this splendid creation anytime I wanted.

Sorry I havent been on for a while (you're going to hear that a lot by the way). A mixture of blackouts, broken connections and a busy training schedule have made it near imposible.

Im here in Lome, after having officially sworn in as a volunteer last night, running around the town buying things at the market for the new house that I'll be permanently moving into tomorrow. What a change a few months have brought in my perspective on Togo...When I first arrived here Lome felt foreboding and dark, the nighttime drive across town from the airport was a culture shock in and of itself. I was thrown, it felt, into a crumbling city in an underdeveloped country in a region that we as westerners perceive to be at the heart of the third world.

Now, though, Lome seems downright cosmopolitan. The sandy streets of the kodjoviakope district, where the Peace Corps bureau is, seems as sophisticated as Lincoln Park, The Pearl or Dupont Circle. I can buy (and did just yesterday) heinz ketchup, kikoman(sp?) soy sauce, Aunt Jemima syrup, Bush's baked beans and Belgian beer.

It feels much more like home than what I could have imagined 11 weeks ago.

At 7:00 tomorrow morning I head off to post for good, and I'm thrilled after what I discovered during my weeklong visit some weeks back. On top of the great work oppurtunities with groupements for fishfarming, coffee and cacao, rice and reforestation my village is lovely and everyone is incredibly nice.

My house is small but has electricity, a water tap outside and a running toilet in my bathroom (which isnt connected to my house, but still great). As soon as I hire a carpenter for some furniture and settle in properly I'm sure the place will rival any studio apt I could have imagined back home!

Take care, I'll do my best to write again soon(ish)!



  1. Congratulations on becoming an official Peace Corps volunteer! Glad you were able to update through your blog, too! I am anxious to talk to you to hear about the ceremony and what you buying to bring with you to post. Hope you are getting some good pictures and are able to upload a few to the blog?

  2. I'm excited for you as you begin the next chapter as a volunteer. Can't wait to hear about your projects and the people in your village. Great to read your updates!!

  3. Wubbs, so happy for you that you've graduated and have what seems a great village. Can't wait to read more as your perspective evolves. I echo mom's comments on pictures. Also, totally resonate with your assessment... XOXO

  4. I am so proud of you and glad you will be settle in your village by now. I think the hardest part is over and you are probably happy to know how well you did. This is an experience of a lifetime. Love, GRAM
